At Hand UP for Women, we envision a Knoxville community where all women, regardless of culture or socio-economic status, are well-equipped to wisely manage their lives and sustain adequate employment to meet their needs and secure their family’s future.
We strive to reach out with the love of Christ to women in our community who desire to move from dependency to self-sufficiency in every aspect of life. Many of these women have lost hope and have nowhere to turn.
As active and caring members of the Greater Knoxville community, we know you want to do your part to ensure a vibrant future for generations to come. We understand it can be hard to decide where to allocate your resources or which organizations(s) will be good stewards of your hard-earned dollars. A Hand UP for Women is not a “hand out.” It is not a welfare program. It is a life-management and career-readiness ministry. We bring dignity, self-confidence and renewed hope to women who might otherwise remain trapped in addiction, abuse, poverty and despair. We offer a long-term family and help to build life on a Christian foundation. Also individual mentorship.
However, we cannot succeed without the financial support and prayers of people like you. By giving to A Hand UP for Women, you are helping not only the women in the program, but their families, children and future generations. We can and do help break the heartbreaking cycles that are often repeated generation after generation.
Will you help us? I ask for your thoughtful and prayerful consideration of our ministry as the recipient of much-needed contributions.
In His Love,
Eva Pierce
Executive Director