Hearts UP Blog

Hearts UP Blog2022-07-26T21:54:00+00:00

Heartwarming and life-changing stories from A Hand UP for Women.

Why Hand UP for Women Works

June 17th, 2024|

Hand UP for Women, a 501(c)(3) non-profit has grown, developed and matured with time and love since its inception in 2001. The Knox County Association of Baptists assisted with the organization’s startup, but the real momentum came when Eva Pierce was chosen as Executive Director. The organization began serving women [...]

Program Extension Builds Camaraderie and Enhances Knowledge

May 20th, 2024|

Expanding a program can be daunting, often seen as both a financial and time-consuming investment. Yet, for the dedicated team of staff and instructors at Hand UP for Women, extending the program from one year to a year and a half felt like the natural next step in transforming women’s [...]

Class Members Fueled by Food and Fellowship

April 17th, 2024|

“Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.” - Alan D. Wolfelt Meals have served as a conduit for fellowship and love for centuries and spans across cultures and oceans. Hand UP for Women views food as just that - a time to serve their women and show their [...]

Renovating A New Home: Miracle Ridge at Buffat Mill

January 12th, 2024|

To take on a home renovation is a huge undertaking for anyone. A 3.5 acre 3,700 square foot property is even more daunting. But Angela Faulkner was happy to take on the task of providing a safe, warm and loving environment for the Hand UP for Women participants, graduates and [...]

Meet the Kind-Hearted “Elves” at Hand UP for Women

December 12th, 2023|

Christmastime sparks a spirit of generosity as people look to spread joy to others or find ways to provide a hand up. But for some women at Hand UP for Women, all year long they choose volunteerism. Why? Because their soul yearns to help others. There are a few faces [...]

Rising from the Streets: Brooke Rogers’ Journey

November 8th, 2023|

Rising from the Streets: Brooke Rogers’ Journey Imagine not having a place to call home. Think about how long you’ve gone without having a roof over your head or heat. Was it more than two years? Four walls and a roof provide safety: a bed to sleep, privacy, independence and [...]

Finding Friendships That Last a Lifetime

August 22nd, 2023|

Friendship is often referred to as the backbone of life. Unlike family, you can choose your friends. At Hand UP for Women friendship is at the forefront of the ministry. Before Karla Johnson applied to be a program participant, she met Alisha Vasquez through Knox Recovery Court. The two befriended [...]

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